Discover Mindfulness And Meditation’s Effect On Physical Health

Let's embark on a journey to uncover the transformative effects of mindfulness and meditation on physical health, and explore practical steps to integrate these practices into your life for enhanced…

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Digestive Superfoods – 10 Foolproof Foods To Heal Your Gut

According to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, over 20 million Canadians experience uncomfortable and sometimes downright debilitating digestive system problems each year. Symptoms can manifest in the form of bloating,…

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Is Your Smartphone Slowly Destroying Your Health?

Smartphones are certainly convenient! Their multifaceted features, ranging from detailed calendars to various social media apps help many people organize their lives, while at the same time staying digitally connected…

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Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Mental Wellness

Whether we acknowledge it or not, healthcare as we know it is in the midst of radical change. More and more patients are demanding answers to the root cause(s) of their symptoms, not wanting merely a suppressive ‘band-aid’ approach. One major area of medicine that has patients, doctors and researchers scrambling for more answers is in the field of psychiatry. Research and awareness of psychiatric conditions have been making great strides as of late, but it has not always been the case. In fact for decades mental health conditions were marginalized to the medical sidelines without gaining much mainstream attention such as many other keynote health conditions facing us globally such as; cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. (more…)

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