Top 5 Worst Foods for Pain in Your Joints and Muscles

Pain is the most commonly treated condition by doctors today. We ALL know someone who suffers from a chronic pain condition, many of us likely experiencing it currently or have at some in our lives. In fact, pain killer prescriptions are currently the most frequently prescribed medication – and there does not appear to be any sign of this trend slowing. Yet, most people continue to eat the worst foods for pain.

While many people associate musculoskeletal pain with Arthritis primarily, there are literally dozens of diagnoses that can result in joint and muscle pain. To put it simply, pain = inflammation. Much like a campfire needs fuel to burn, so do inflammatory processes in our body. The real question is what causes inflammation?


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Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired? Time To Hit the Juice.

Caffeine-addicts beware: there may come a day when your search for a nearby coffee shop lands you in the increasingly popular phenomenon known as the “juice bar.”

Colorful juice drinks, containing everything from kale, spinach, beets to wheatgrass, have got more and more people saying goodbye to hot java and hello to liquid vegetables and fruit. Juicing is rapidly becoming a way of life.


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Is Hidden Yeast In Food Making You Sick?

When I meet with a new patient for the first time I always ask myself; “What is the root cause(s) of their condition?”  I treat a wide variety of patients who each present with a unique medical history and a corresponding set of symptoms as a result.  Could it be hidden yeast in food making my patients sick? While many have previously been diagnosed with a specific disease or illness, it is the underlying factors for each unique case that are most important when determining any treatment program.


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Is it an Allergy, Intolerance, or Sensitivity?

By now you’ve likely heard of someone explaining about recent restrictions to their diet based on something they’ve read in a book, heard on tv, or even been told by (gasp!) – your Naturopathic Doctor or Nutritionist.  Others may have experienced an allergy or food sensitivity symptoms in Toronto. Many of you may have even begun to experiment with your diet by eliminating certain foods, and this can be a great place to start especially if you’re dealing with any of the following issues:
  • Digestive disorders
  • Skin rashes/disorders
  • Mood issues
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain (or inability to lose weight)
  • Migraines
  • Inability to concentrate and focus

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