Is Hidden Yeast In Food Making You Sick?

When I meet with a new patient for the first time I always ask myself; “What is the root cause(s) of their condition?”  I treat a wide variety of patients who each present with a unique medical history and a corresponding set of symptoms as a result.  Could it be hidden yeast in food making my patients sick? While many have previously been diagnosed with a specific disease or illness, it is the underlying factors for each unique case that are most important when determining any treatment program.


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Is it an Allergy, Intolerance, or Sensitivity?

By now you’ve likely heard of someone explaining about recent restrictions to their diet based on something they’ve read in a book, heard on tv, or even been told by (gasp!) – your Naturopathic Doctor or Nutritionist.  Others may have experienced an allergy or food sensitivity symptoms in Toronto. Many of you may have even begun to experiment with your diet by eliminating certain foods, and this can be a great place to start especially if you’re dealing with any of the following issues:
  • Digestive disorders
  • Skin rashes/disorders
  • Mood issues
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain (or inability to lose weight)
  • Migraines
  • Inability to concentrate and focus

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Top 5 Cancer Fighting Foods

We are in the midst of a global Cancer pandemic. This statement may not come entirely as a surprise as we all likely have known someone who has been diagnosed with this disease, and sadly, also know those who have died during their battle.  In fact, current statistics project that cancer rates are set to soar by 70% in the next 20 years.  This may sound like a long way away and not an immediate threat on us today, but let’s not be fooled into complacency.  The time to act is now.


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Is Your Body On Fire? Reduce Inflammation and Improve Your Health.

If you are living and breathing on this planet your body is affected by inflammation in some form or another.  We are all constantly juggling a balancing act of inflammatory biochemical assaults, while working hard to keep this delicate equilibrium under control.  While some inflammation is beneficial in an acute setting (i.e. a swollen ankle after a sprain is important to stabilize it), chronic inflammation can have a deleterious effect on us.  In fact, leading scientists are now drawing ties between inflammation to many types of chronic disease facing developed nations in pandemic proportions such as; heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune illness – to even cancer.


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